Men should and should not eat?

Healthy eating is one of the important factors that protect health, especially to maintain form and married life in harmony.

Healthy eating is one of the important factors that protect health, especially to maintain form and married life in harmony. Photo: Getty images.Avoid eating a lot of soyProtein in soybeans is very beneficial for women's health, reduce cholesterol, but it also contains estrogen can affect sex hormones female, if eaten too much and too often will affect the form.Sauteed fried food restrictionsThe meals have too much grease, with sauteed fried dishes also affects the health of men.Diet fat meatThe types of meat such as pigs, cows, sheep ... are all very need for men's health, but it's best to eat more red meat, lean meat and fat meat restrictions. Saturated fat and cholesterol easy narrowing blood vessels, to influence the process of blood circulation, leading to a loss of libido.Be careful with fat-containing milkMilk and milk products provide the ideal source of protein for the body, but please limit milk contains more fat.At least eat the powderIf abuse or addiction to the cakes, candy, bread ... easy to make men's sexual health decline, particularly in prostate disease.Should eat more tomatoesStudies have shown that tomatoes are fruit of optimization can prevent and reduce the risk of prostate disease, is the best antioxidant foods. In addition, a number of studies also showed that eating tomatoes regularly can improve sperm quality. Cooked tomatoes and is eating well.Eat lots of chivesChives are rich in vitamin C, carotene and rich in trace elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron, helps to increase power, gas, good blood circulation. In addition, chives leaves also have medicinal value, such as reducing blood fat, constipation, prevent obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. In particular, Chinese medicine stresses, chives are good foods for the kidney and the need for men.Grain States-cheapest Viagra pillsAccording to the doctor , Chinese States very suitable to use when people are tired. With warm sweet taste, good for electronic States in liver, kidney, brain.Meanwhile, modern medicine also demonstrated States can lower cholesterol, enhance immune function, anti-aging, beauty, and the British called this particle is the "result of Viagra.

(By Inhabitants)
