Mother wants the fetus to quickly gain weight and should eat these foods, a week after going to antenatal care will see the unexpected

1. Foods that help the fetus gain weight quickly in the last month


Contains many essential acids for both mother and baby. Chicken egg yolk is very good for muscles and enhances baby intelligence. Note: Do not eat too many eggs (no more than 5 fruits / week). Many mothers said that eating goose eggs is good for the fetus, however, in terms of nutrition and taste, chicken eggs are better.

In addition to chicken eggs, duck eggs are also a nutritious dish, helping the fetus gain weight well. A duck egg provides about 182kcal of energy, 13.6g of protein, 12.4g of lipit, 82mg of calcium, 212mg of phosphorus, 600mg of cholesterol . Not only that, but the duck eggs also contain many good vitamins like vitamin A, B, C . Even more iron content in fluffy duck eggs is more in chicken eggs. Each week, pregnant mothers can eat 3-4 eggs, so that the fetus can grow fast.

Note, fluffy duck eggs have a relatively high protein content, so it is not suitable to eat at night because it can cause indigestion, flatulence. For pregnant mothers with gestational diabetes, high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease, limit the intake of duck eggs to avoid congestion due to high cholesterol.

Roasted corn

Corn is a wild food that contains many nutrients that are beneficial for pregnant women and babies in the abdomen. With a particularly high amount of fat, fiber, protein and folate, this food helps pregnant women to prevent diabetes, constipation, increase eyesight for mothers and stimulate fetal neurons to develop complete good, no birth defects. Although it has many benefits, but moms should not use corn to replace the main meal and should not eat too much at the same time will be harmful to health due to nutritional imbalance.

Unsweetened and skim milk

Milk is a nutritious drink. With a high protein content, ample calcium intake, the choice of low-fat and sugar-free milk is very beneficial for the mother. Drinking milk can make your mother quickly gain weight because of the high sugar content. However, sweetened milk types can cause indigestion, because the body does not have enough enzyme lactase to digest the sugar in milk. Drinking fresh, unsweetened milk will help the mother's body to absorb easily and the fetus will benefit from it.

Sweet little fruit

Eating fruits is very good for pregnant women, however, pregnant mothers should not eat sweet fruits too much because they will make their mother gain weight quickly but have potential risks of diseases such as diabetes, edema, high blood pressure. . Therefore, pregnant mother should choose fruits and vitamins and fiber, both good for the fetus and good for the absorption of iron for the body such as orange, grapefruit, kiwi, avocado .


At the top of the list is meat. All lean meats such as pigs, chickens and cows, . bring a great amount of ideal protein to help the baby absorb easily and gain weight fast. Especially beef is considered a kind of meat with attractive flavor and high protein and iron content that both help healthy fetus grow fast, increase muscle and weight, pregnant mother is rosy, do not worry Hemorrhage, postpartum postpartum. Pregnant women should pay attention not to eat re-meats, live because they are very susceptible to parasites harmful to premature birth, fetal growth retardation.


A kind of fruit that many people love. Avocado contains many extremely high nutritional values ​​to ensure enough energy for mother and fetus to grow. It is strikingly the same amount of protein as milk and the highest of all other fruits.

Besides, butter also contains extremely unsaturated fats for health, this nutrient not only makes the fetus healthy and intelligent but also helps the mother to have a smooth, fresh skin like the time of the child. girl If possible, pregnant women should maintain the intake of 2-3 fruits per week, which is good for both pregnant women and the fetus.

2. Menu for pregnant mothers to gain weight


- Breakfast: 1 duck egg + vermicelli soup / noodle soup or noodles.

- Monday breakfast about 9:00: 1 cup of milk + 1 banana

- 10 hours: 01 vitamin tablet + 01 calcium tablet


- Lunch: ½ cup of rice + 1 bowl of carrot bone, potato + 1 fish or 6 medium shrimp + boiled vegetables

- 2h30: 250ml of fresh milk


- Driver: 1 cup of cereal + 1 orange and a few biscuits. Can replace any good snacks for mother gourd like sweet potatoes, bananas, young tofu .

- Evening: ½ bowl of rice + 1 soup bowl + 1 piece of steak + 1 fruit plate

Late: Drink 1 cup of milk before sleeping for about 2 hours.
