Pregnant women last 3 months to drink these tonic water, the fetus gained good weight, fair skin

1. Fresh coconut water

Coconut water not only helps mothers to be thirsty on hot days but also helps to increase the amount of amniotic fluid, adding electrolytes such as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus . to keep the body hydrated. Pregnant women drink coconut water helps maintain blood pressure, increase the activity of the muscles, prevent pregnancy symptoms such as constipation, belching, enhance immunity against inflammation during pregnancy. However, pregnant women should not drink coconut water in the first 3 months of pregnancy or drink when the body is tired. You should not drink coconut water too much or drink in the evening because you will have to wake up more often to go to the toilet. If you have a history of low blood pressure, you should consult a doctor before making a decision.

2. Cane juice

Sugarcane juice helps mothers minimize constipation, increase energy, help the body stay healthy, enhance resistance against disease. Pregnant women drink sugarcane juice also helps the body less tired on hot days.

When drinking sugarcane mother elected to note: do not drink too much or drink sugarcane juice has been in the refrigerator, not drinking sugarcane juice in the evening. For pregnant women with diabetes, overweight, high blood pressure, should consult a doctor before deciding.

3. Orange juice

Orange juice is one of the extremely healthy fruit juices during pregnancy because it is a fruit rich in vitamin C, calcium, folic acid and zinc.

Drinking orange juice regularly will help pregnant women improve morning sickness, enhance resistance, help the fetus develop good skeletal muscle and gain weight effectively.

4. Roasted black bean juice

Black beans are rich in protein, B vitamins, beta carotene and folic acid, which not only help babies stay healthy and smart but also prevent neural tube defects. Roasted black bean water is also a "panacea" to help mothers overcome constipation and hemorrhoids in pregnancy, giving her radiant, beautiful skin. Mother should add this drink in the last 3 months of pregnancy to keep her healthy.

5. Honey

Honey promotes digestion, fully absorbs nutrients, prevents constipation, high blood pressure, anemia, boosts immunity against common colds and infections. Not only good for mothers but honey is also very good for the fetus, helping children develop optimal brain.

When drinking honey, pregnant women should note that they should not drink raw honey but should mix with warm water; Do not drink too much honey; Do not take with foods rich in vitamins D and C; Do not use honey together with soy and soy products. Pregnant women with diabetes and overweight should consult a doctor before using honey.

6. Fresh milk without sugar

One of the drinks rich in calcium and vitamins necessary for the fetus as well as pregnant women. Fresh milk without sugar has a moderate amount of fat, is not too sick and is easier to drink than gourd.

Usually in 200ml of unsweetened milk contains about 226mg of calcium and provides fat, vitamins A, D, protein, helping the fetus develop skeletal and brain muscle during 9 months of pregnancy.

You should pay attention to choose fresh sterilized milk without sugar will be safer for mother and baby. Mothers can drink fresh milk not from the first days of pregnancy, every day from 1-2 cups. By 7-9 months, you need to drink 2-3 cups / day after the main meal about 2 hours.
