Premature ovarian failure: anxieties of women

Premature ovarian failure is the major cause of infertility in women. That is the status inactive ovaries 2 to normal when less than 40 years old woman, pulled by falling fertility and menstrual cycle irregularities.

Women undergoing natural menopause rarely seen an economic return, but the woman early ovarian failure can menstruation be back though. Natural menopause who cannot get pregnant but in a few cases of premature ovarian failure can still become pregnant.

Common symptoms

The most common symptoms of the disease are irregular. Sometimes a physician not to pay attention to this phenomenon and that it is caused by stress.

Some women with ovarian failure soon have other symptoms similar to natural menopause, including bouts of hot, sweat profusely about the draw of the night, easily provoked, hard focused thought, less interested in sex, pain during sexual intercourse, vaginal dryness, loss of fertility, urinary disorders (minor many times minor són, ...).

Premature ovarian insufficiency diseases adversely affecting public health. Due to reduced hormone levels so patients are more at risk of developing diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, thyroid insufficiency, stress ... Patients with anorexia, shoot weight, dizziness when standing and tired. In late stages, they are salty food cravings, lower blood pressure and strongly stain human skin. If not detection, when the problem needs the surgery, patients with common adrenal crisis condition, which can lead to shock and death.

The cause of the premature ovarian failure:

-The immune system has problems: women with autoimmune thyroiditis, self body born antibodies destroy the thyroid, this is one of the causes of premature ovarian failure.

-Spontaneous ovarian Failure: patients are suddenly experience OLIGOMENORRHEA eventually loses, closing, but timely treatment should not cause ovarian failure, loss of ability to work.

-Ovarian Insufficiency due to surgery: women are considering breaking the fetusmany times, or refurbished ectopic surgery cut 1 side or both ovaries.

-Ovarian Insufficiency because of egg size in the drug abuse treatment for infertility: drug abuse file the eggs make the ovaries gradually lose the function to work, cause ovarian failure soon.

-Ovarian Failure soon for virus disease: some types of disease-causing viruses such as herpes simplex virus (HSV), the virus that causes mumps can cause inflammation of the ovaries or autoimmune ovarian damage to the ovaries that cause ovarian failure soon.

-Ovarian Insufficiency due to toxic chemical contamination, radioactive exposure: women are frequently exposed to harmful chemicals, which contain radioactive substances can affect health, hurting the reproductive cells which can lead to the phenomenon of premature ovarian failure.

-Ovarian Failure due to excessive weight loss : excessive weight cause of fat inside the body is reduced to "fast-track", when the fat percentage dropped too low will affect the amount of estrogen in the body, because the fats are ingredients to form estrogen, fat in the body is not enough , will make estrogen, estrogen deficit lack can do menstrual disorders, even causing business off, which shut down business do suppress ovulation of the ovarian function, easy to induce ovarian function is soon, if not treated promptly, can lead to infertility. Early ovarian failure can cause menstrual dysfunction condition aggravated, so will create a cycle, this vicious will seriously influence to health and pregnancy.

-Ovarian Insufficiency due to regular use of stimulants, alcoholic beverages, drugs that cause menstrual disorders, can cause ovarian failure.

-Ovarian Insufficiency due to stress: regular large burdens, faced with stress can cause neurological dysfunction, affecting the endocrine secretion in the body, reduce the hormone estrogen caused ovarian function decline soon.

How to prevent premature ovarian failure:

-Track the menstrual cycle, if you see any unusual problems have menstrual blood-less economy, OLIGOMENORRHEA: gradually, losing consecutive months of economic needs test and early treatment, avoid menstrual disorder case to the ovary stretched causing ovarian failure.

-Limit the stress should constantly keep sense of fun: Stress, stress can cause reproductive hormonal disorders, estrogen secretion limited ease of ovarian insufficiency.

-Are reasonable diet strengthens immune system, health guarantee against viruses that cause the disease, which can degrade the ovaries

-Don't abuse the drug House eggs especially medicine injection form eggs in rare infertility treatment late.=
