Preparing for pregnancy 'episode 2'

Enhance vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 or folic acid helps reduce the risk of deformities such as spina bifida. These deformities often develop very early in the beginning of the process of development of the fetus. Folic acid is an essential substance for the fetus, they have in green vegetables such as amaranth, and there is a lot of grain.

But in the process of eating the amount of folic acid is often not provided enough for the fetus. So the mother should consult a doctor about taking more drugs folic acid-enhanced functions for the body. Under the standard, then it did before when pregnant women need 400mcg/day, and in the process become pregnant need folic acid/day 600mcg.

Start prenatal exercise

As you know, exercise the utmost important in pregnancy, it not only helped elect more healthy during the pregnancy but also to help parents ease childbirth. So, don't miss the exercise when pregnant 2 times.

There are so many courses of physical exercise for pregnant mothers. Special yoga can help ease the pain and muscle tension condition. Besides, fitness classes also help you are making and learning experiences with many other pregnant women.

In addition to yoga, a number of other departments, water aerobics, exercises boost health or even just walking around the House you in is also very good for mothers.

Yoga is a way of getting ready for the process of pregnancy.

Buy costumes she elected

Who doesn't love shopping? Even is you are not pregnant, the clothes for her vote still help you feel more comfortable when wearing. You just need to buy some sort of outfits like shirt or pants to fit for any occasion. You can use the back of the map vote from times before the pregnancy, however, nothing is bigger if you treat yourself to the beautiful and seductive, new election.

Plans to relax

Attend a concert, performance at midnight screenings of a film or even go eat breakfast on Sunday morning is also the way to help you relieve stress and ease born than when the second baby was born.

Take care of the skin by hydrating

This can help prevent stretch marks-especially if you use cocoa butter. Bad itching caused by skin that is also significantly improved.

Practice your Kegels exercises

Kegel exercises (tightening muscles set PC) help prevent urine leakage and hemorrhoids.

Pay attention to dental hygiene

According to medical experts, the 90% of the disease enters the body through the mouth. The ancient instrument has the sentence "vạ from the mouth that out, mouth disease from entering". The fruit isn't wrong. So tips for parents is to take note to this matter, the dental hygiene thoroughly, to avoid the bacteria get inside through the mouth, leading to consequences b. non lacking, or production.

Healthy eating

In the second pregnancy, you and your baby need 300 additional calories per day. You should choose the necessary food for the daily needs of the mother such as fruits, vegetables and protein. In addition, you also do not forget to drink plenty of water!

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits (including dark green vegetables rich in folate as vegetables spinach.

A little protein (white meat and fish) or Park and lentils. Dairy foods with low fat, contains calcium (such as yogurt or milk not cream). A little food with sugar and fat, like cookies and fresh water is also good for health.

Although this secret vote stage more tired but you try not to depend too much on beverages containing caffeine to become sober. You need to limit the amount of caffeine you drink down under 200mg a day. If you use more than this number during the secret vote, you risk pregnancy or child birth underweight.

Some note for pregnant women was once second caesarean:

According to the specialists, to ensure safety after caesarean, sisters should wait from 18-23 months to get pregnant again. The risk of complications in fetus and fetal weight low will also occur if the mother is pregnant too hastily after the caesarean.

The pregnancy after caesarean depends on many factors such as age, health of the mother. So, before deciding to bring the election forward you should have periodic health examination to know what supplements your body needs and prepare the best psychology before welcoming a new baby.=
