Should you choose to buy any rice cooker cooking rice and delicious variety of functions?

(Phunutoday)-don't know how, the rice cooker 1 liter of little children witness violence become children screamed every time the rice water. For the last day when going to do about tired, then OK, it just reported harm children must take time to stand guard. If the float is not only little rice is rice rolls out again. In General what we are in a State of such fresh rice soup sweet such as main culprits from the rice cooker.

Has 3.4 times then I remind husband carried away this page but he just busy work should temporarily "delay". Many times 10 h night, Drudge you husband carries out this page, but it's not right. On the afternoon I must stand in the soup pot.

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In fact, not until she's pot are corrupt as today, I count the water replaced with the other cooler than pot and more delicious rice. I also know the rice cooker his home must be in an agency and because it has very few features: cord not pull, no place to plug in and no spoon tray inspired water ... really inconvenient. But because of use, so I unfortunately until it could "completely fallen" as I just said.

Perhaps multiply this weekend near the Central currency, you must also enlist go buy one rice cooker replacement does not have this type of rice cooker soup, I saw the news and upset England's yoke. I intend to buy a rice cooker small format because I only have 2 husband and wife and a son 4 years old. So I plan to just buy 1 litre type. Building few people so buy pots would not important, the main thing is its pot would also be delicious to rice but is sure.

But is the real housewife song I don't know the type of rice cookers are available on the market for delicious fresh soup rice here. Especially if the rice cooker has many functions and uses for the better.

Today before I can surf the web to find out then see very like this kind of rice cooker has many functions have just cooked medium cooked porridge, bread-baking. This is very handy for the few families who have young children and as children. Don't know the price of the rice cooker types much this feature as yet. They have durable? And many features like whether your building has a delicious meal?

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If parents would use the rice cooker does more features and for more delicious rice must then reveal to me with. Just buy a rice cooker that has slightly less expensive with the couple I don't matter. Thank You!

Bao Hoa=
