The elected mother must hold the following 4 ultrasound markers to detect 7 serious birth defects

4 ultrasonic markers detect 7 serious fetal defects

+ From 11 weeks 2 days - 13 weeks 6 days: This stage not only can ultrasound screening for malformations but also the time when pregnant mothers can do more mother blood tests to check for risk of malformations Douple test. This is also called a golden time to measure the back of the head on the ultrasound, which assesses the risk of a baby with Down syndrome.

+ From 16 to 18 weeks: Like the first stage, this stage along with ultrasound, the mother can do a mother's blood test to check the risk of chromosomal malformations for the fetus (Triple test).

+ From 20-22 weeks: This week of pregnancy on ultrasound begins to evaluate the form of the fetal face (lips, nose, eyes .). And for those who have a positive screening test, high risk, this gestational age will be consulted by doctors to consider amniocentesis as a definitive diagnostic test.

+ From 30 to 32 weeks: This gestational week is an important period for ultrasound doctors to detect major defects in the heart and brain.

Causes of neural tube defects

The risk of neural tube defects can all come from diet before and during pregnancy, specifically as follows:

• Lack of folic acid

Although lack of folic acid does not actually cause neural tube defects, folic acid supplementation may reduce the rate of mutations leading to malformations. Adequate supplementation of folic acid and other B vitamins before pregnancy and early pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of fetal malformations.

• Environmental factors and lifestyles:

Studies have shown an association between neural tube defects in the fetus and the impact of an unhealthy environment or mother's way of smoking, frequent exposure to cigarette smoke, and obesity. , diabetes . Mothers who live in such environments or activities often have a higher risk of birth defects.

How to prevent neural tube defects?

Because the neural tube grows very early, so right from the start of pregnancy, women need to take adequate Folic Acid to ensure the level of Folic acid in the blood reaches the required level right at the time of conception. Adequate Folic Acid supplementation right from the start of pregnancy reduces the risk of neural tube defects by 93%.

The pregnant mother can take folic acid with foods like milk for pregnant women, liver and offal, poultry, cereals (sesame, peanuts), dark green vegetables, mushrooms, lima beans, beans Netherlands, soybeans, carrots, tomatoes, bananas, oranges, lemons, grapefruit .

How to prevent fetal defects

In order to prevent fetal malformations, the pregnant mother should do the following:

• Prenatal examination.

• Look for genetic risk factors and plan for disease and the possibility of your child being genetic and treatable .

• Take vitamins every day, especially folic acid before and during pregnancy.

• Use medication with care. Do not arbitrarily buy any medicine to drink if you're going to be pregnant.

• Maintain a healthy lifestyle and an ideal weight.

• Do not drink alcohol or smoke

• Prevent infection by vaccinating, keeping the body healthy, avoiding crowded places, where the disease is circulating.

• Find out more about habitats and some harmful agents such as lead, mercury, radiation .

• Avoid sauna or hot water for too long. If you take a hot bath, just soak up your shoulders, the water is not too hot and the time is less than 15 minutes.

• Regular pregnancy checkups and complete screening tests.
