The facts about fetal weight cause many mothers to 'fall back' because of this mistake

One of the mother's top concerns during pregnancy is the baby's development, in which weight is an important factor to evaluate. For large, large-weight fetuses, surely the pregnant mother will have a feeling of anxiety that the baby is okay, can she give birth more often?

According to experts, the average weight of babies is from 3-3.2kg. The fetus is defined as a large fetus when the weight reaches 4kg or more when the child is born. Follow up and check your pregnancy periodically as directed by your doctor to take the initiative in taking care of your mother and baby. In addition, instead of worrying, she should find out what causes the fetus to be larger than the gestational age and prepare her with the necessary knowledge to make the birth convenient and safe.

The bigger the child, the better

The fetus is as big as possible

Many pregnant mothers are often forced to eat by their relatives and expect their babies to grow up fast and have a good weight at birth. But this is completely wrong according to experts, children only need to weigh from 3-3.6 kg is the best. Because if the child is too big, it will make the mother more susceptible to diseases during pregnancy.

Not the mother elects to gain more weight and the child will gain weight

The new weight is the most standard measure

Pregnancy weight is estimated to be closer to the standard within the last 3 months of pregnancy. According to Dr. Chong, any weight calculation before 28 weeks is not accurate. Even in the last months, it is difficult to determine if the pregnancy is really big. Only after birth weight can babies say everything and give the best results.

Pregnant women should eat for 2 people

Many people believe that pregnant women gain weight, they will gain weight. But according to nutrition experts at the American Institute of Medicine, if a healthy weight, women do not need to consume more calories in the first 3 months of pregnancy. They also recommend that you only add 340 calories per day in the 3 months between pregnancy and about 450 calories in the last 3 months. And especially, pregnant women must focus on healthy eating, not just eating more.
