The first child second child smarter?

Growing from the mother's womb, the same nutrition, Ms. Lan (HA Dong, Hanoi) are two boys's Grand, but the second baby khỉnh back less than 1 kg, the baby sister very weird and want to know, is it true the first child always get nutritional and genetic puzzle mode in the womb better second child? To troubleshooting of Lan's sister as well as a lot of other elected mother, let's find out the results of the study in the world on this issue:

A study in America on the 4300 child shows, the first child to have high average IQ than the 3.28.

First born child will more intelligent second son?

The experts also pointed out a few causes that lead to results on: first, there is the psychological and physical health of the parents when their first pregnancy. When the young age, the quality of the egg and sperm of good parents, all make up the smart kids, healthy. Moreover, the first child often spent more time caring, teaching, they delivered much more responsibility after having children and the more expectations. The main such influence from the family and social environment for the first child developed his abilities.

The second reason is that, for the first child, my parents always feel "fresh", tend to "test" a lot more. The first child is usually the exposure and experience with many different environments. When a second child, the parents have the tendency of parenting by experience without "experiment", mature in the environment is covered much more than making older limit development opportunities.

The second son than the first child in the process of formation in the fetus is also less advantage in height, weight. About Bollywood, they are also usually open and people have the spirit of "aggressive".

However, this is only the results on theory, practice in the process of maturing, the child will get a lot of the impact from the environment, nutrition, education ... Just the parents spend the interest and care for the baby, although the first or the second son may be smart and healthy mature!=
