The great effect of stretch marks for pregnant women right at home is not expensive

According to the study, 90% of pregnant women experience stretch marks during the 6-7 months of pregnancy. Stretch marks appear when your body weight begins to rise faster than the elasticity of the skin. Two areas with the most stretch marks during pregnancy are breasts and abdomen, followed by arms, buttocks and thighs. The cracks will be purple or red and slowly turn gray or black after the mother elects to give birth.

So what to do to prevent and remove stretch marks when pregnant?


Egg whites have the effect of regenerating collagen, helping the damaged skin to recover faster. In addition, if using a regular egg mask, the skin will glow pink, dark areas caused by reefs will disappear. It can be replaced with yolk and a few drops of lemon because this mask works to help the skin become smooth. Should be persistent within 1 month, each time for 20 minutes to get the best results.

Olive oil

Olive oil is known as the 'goddess of beauty' and has long been an indispensable product on women's dressing tables. In addition to the use of hair beauty, makeup removal, skin care as you know, olive oil is also a "savior" to blur effective stretch marks for pregnant mothers. You can use olive oil daily according to The following way: Clean the skin and apply a small amount of olive oil sufficiently to the cracked area, rub your fingers clockwise for about 3 minutes to allow the oil to soak into the skin. Then, use a soft cotton towel, approximate it with warm water to wipe away excess oil from the skin.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains a lot of vitamin E, both anti-aging and elasticity on the skin, which can help prevent or limit the appearance of stretch marks. In addition, coconut oil has the effect of softening the skin, preventing collagen and elastin fibers from being broken due to increased belly size.

How to blur a crack with coconut oil is very simple. You put coconut oil in a small jar (size of eye drops), when using just a few drops and massage evenly about 2-3 minutes in the circle direction so that coconut oil penetrates deep into the skin. The best time to apply coconut oil is after bathing.


There is a lot of vitamin C in potatoes that helps whiten and restore dark, dark skin. Each day just boil a potato, puree and mix with 1 tablespoon lemon juice, then apply to the skin for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Fresh milk

Fresh milk and olive oil are a great combination to help repel worries about ugly stretch marks. All you need to do is prepare a tablespoon of olive oil and a cup of fresh milk, boil the milk for boiling and add a few drops of olive oil. Wait for the mixture to cool, use cotton wool or a clean towel to dab the mixture evenly onto the cracked skin, then wait about 15-20 minutes then rinse with cool water.


Butter is the favorite fruit of women because it is both cool and helps women have smooth skin. In pushing back stretch marks on pregnant mother skin, avocado, olive oil and vitamin E combined to form a "perfect trio" provides nutrients to restore the skin.

Aloe (aloe vera)

In aloe vera, there is a substance that helps to prevent scarring and reduce the dark spots on the skin. There are many reef prevention creams with aloe vera extracts on the market. Mothers can make this cream by mixing aloe vera and olive oil, then gently massage each day to overcome the ugly skin.

In addition to limiting the skin of pregnant women, note the following:

- Diverse nutrition: Stretch marks may be due to a lack of two essential factors: vitamins and proteins. Therefore, a healthy diet, rich in vitamins A, C, E and antioxidants helps skin nourish well from the inside.

- Control weight to prevent stretch marks: In addition to nutrition, pregnant mothers need to control their weight to prevent stretch marks

- Exercise also helps prevent stretch marks: The elasticity of the skin will be better when the pregnant mother works hard to exercise. During the exercise, the skin glands under the skin stimulate sebum secretion, causing the skin to not dry out, providing moisture to the skin and limiting rashes caused by reefs.
