The mother of the wild, doing these things during pregnancy makes the fetus reduce IQ, grow less smart than friends

According to the report, if pregnant women are regularly exposed to the concentration of phthalate in cosmetics, they reduce IQ by 6-7 points compared to other normal children, according to US research.

In addition, scientists confirmed that phthalate chemicals also directly affect the memory of the mother.

Phthalates are artificial chemicals that directly intervene to prevent important natural hormones from entering the body.

Phthalates are identified in many everyday items such as plastic, curtains, showers, etc., even in the food you are consuming, entering your body through eating and breathing.

Researchers in the United States have found four phthalates with two names, DnBP and DiBP, in a variety of make-up items: lipsticks, hairspray, nail polish, drying sheets, vinyl and some soap type.

Researcher Robin Whyatt, who directly participated in the study, said: 'A 6-7 point reduction in IQ can have significant consequences in academic achievement, processing speed and ability to work later. this of children '.

It is worth mentioning, according to Dr. Factor-Litvak, Columbia University: 'There are a number of regulations banning phthalates in children's toys without any laws for pregnant mothers.

While phthalates are not required on product labels, pregnancy is the most sensitive time for brain development. '

Many previous studies have also shown: Exposure to DnBP and DiBP from the womb will affect neurodevelopment and movement and behavior of children from age 3 onwards.

In addition, children exposed to high levels of phthalates from the womb are at risk of asthma up to 78%.

Scientists call on pregnant women not to eat food in plastic containers when put into the microwave, do not use some products made of recycled plastic .

The best way is to avoid using plastic food containers, you can store food in jars, glass bowls or refrigerators.

Things that are not good for pregnant women during pregnancy should be avoided

Stay up too late

When pregnant, women should not stay up too late. It is the main cause of more severe edema and stress. In addition, staying up late also greatly affects the physiology of the child.

Contact with cats and dogs

Toxoplasmosis bacteria in cats and dogs will cause dangerous complications to the fetus. Therefore, for children to grow healthy, pregnant mothers should stay away from dogs and cats. Do not use food that has been exposed to the hairs of these pets.

Keep away from irritants

Pregnant women should not be exposed to alcohol, cigarettes or stimulants because they can be dangerous for pregnancy.

Don't stress your body

Women who are frequently stressed increase their risk of back pain, constipation or difficulty sleeping during pregnancy. In addition, pregnant mothers often stress can cause children to develop malformations, greatly affecting their brain and nervous system development later.

Alcohol and tobacco

If you're pregnant, it's important and necessary to quit smoking and drinking alcohol. If you continue to maintain the habit of drinking and smoking, will greatly affect the health of the fetus, can even cause children to die as soon as they are born.

When pregnant, if the mother elects smoking, will affect the development of the brain, intelligence and cardiovascular health of the fetus. If the pregnant mother is alcoholic and regularly drinks during pregnancy, the fetus may slow down in the brain. Therefore, in order to give birth to a healthy child, the best pregnant mother should stay away from tobacco (including a smelling environment).

Avoid high heels and tight clothing

Being comfortable is the most important thing for every pregnant woman. Wear high-heeled shoes in addition to not bringing comfort to your pregnant mother, but also putting your mother and fetus in danger. Because during pregnancy, over time, the weight of the pregnant mother will increase. This means that the shape and focus of the body will change a lot. Your travel will be more difficult than before you get pregnant. Therefore, just a little careless, you stumbling or tripping can be dangerous for both mother and child. Therefore, pregnant mothers should avoid high heels.

Similarly, wearing tight clothing also affects the health of pregnant women and their babies. When wearing tight clothing will hinder blood circulation. If the mother elected to wear a tight bra will increase the symptoms of shortness of breath, back pain, make the body tired, uncomfortable. When pregnant, the mother's belly ring grows much larger. Therefore, wearing tight pants will create pressure on the fetus.

Therefore, during pregnancy, pregnant women should choose a special and comfortable outfit.
