The pregnant lesbian couple's fever

In January 2014, Melanie had shared photos of his wife Vanessa are pregnant, and just a year later, in January 2015, Melanie continued to share her own pregnancy photos on Instagram.

ImThe pregnant lesbian couple's feverdiately after being posted, photos has attracted the attention of the community network, thousands of weekly love and share photos. And now the picture has becoThe pregnant lesbian couple's fever the focal point on multiple socialnetworks.

Pics of lesbian couple has becoThe pregnant lesbian couple's fever the focal point on multiple social networks.

The photos brought the process of both pregnant.

The sweet pics, happiness of Melanie and Vanessa are shared on Instagram:

Does the couple have to welcoThe pregnant lesbian couple's fever 2 little angels is Jax "Izzo and Ero Kix.


Now the happy family of the couple Melanie and Vanessa had added two children's laughter is Jax "Izzo, 1 years and Ero Kix. =