The question too hard of an 8 year old girl. ...

(Phunutoday)-Manoj Baby (8 years) have questions with Ms. so after "research" done knowledge science books translated from foreign languages for primary ages that she bought about. Ms. said: "we will tell this story to a child at different!", but indeed, I don't know how to explain.

Out soon is necessary

Have many years of study abroad should sister Currency (627 Lane-Freed-Hanoi) very focused on providing children with the knowledge about the science of life as well as life skills. For every two months she spent time giving you to the bookstore to pick for the scientific books which my daughter I like to read ... especially, I've boldly buy the book explains about the human body, how is the baby born ... Inquisitive, Thuy Duong baby had all the knowledge that many friends of the same litter had never thought of.

One day, go to school about Armon, pressing told his mother: mom, today you Military grade security is the baby born from the mother but I know armpit is the baby born from The mother's explanation for her but you all don't believe you. You ask if that's how the sperm meet the egg again? I can't answer because in the book no mom ... ".

Let the kid knows about his body and satisfactory explanation of the questions about the gender of the baby-photo illustrated.

Look, Ms. stutters at all. It is true that when buying books for my children, I have not thought of this situation. Still known for his insights about the human body and the knowledge about sex as soon as possible, because thanks to so, you will know how hygienic clean and defenseless when bad situations happen. However, children are curious and capital they will go to the ends of the problem if not adult explains a satisfactory way.Know can not find a reasonable explanation with you, she said: "now my mother is busy cooking rice. I had to focus, if not you will not get a delicious dinner. So we will continue this story on a child at different! ".

The answer satisfactory?

The reply is not satisfactory will cause baby to always hurt đáu seeking explanation. Sometimes, in very delicate circumstances, when there are people, the baby will also "enlist ' chance to be answered. After studying the documents about child psychology, her taking the time to talk with children:

On the body are spot that my daughter or go pee is the most discreet place in the body. On my son's body as well as the world. However, because it is a discreet place, only the mother and baby are known, not for any children you would or someone in. Every day, you are keeping the place clean discreet. When the adults, you will see a beloved men and that you will also love children.

You and you will have to go through a lot of hardships, only when you and her get married, you then are allowed to know about the secrets he's discreet. Meanwhile, the baby will be born because you two have known about the place that's discreet, it is at the sperm meets the egg. But you have to remember that, if you haven't really grown and married, yet that the disclosure to a men know about the place that's the discreet, the baby born will not, will not happy and not beautiful like her home where Dung baby baby! I've understand? ".

Now my mother tell me stories about the swimming competition between the sperm guy. "the guy sperm in her dad and Winly eggs Elly in the mother, they have never met. One day there was a swimming competition between sperm Winly with millions of notes other sperm to be propose to the beautiful Elly eggs.

Elly excited doesn't know who will be the "Prince" of his. Right then, "Her up Winly, Elly's life! Please tell us a little more time, so we won the defenseless sperm are hindering us to her. O God, give me the strength and talent to the capture of the Little Mermaid. "

Elly: well, I believe the guy. The guy on.

Winly: Truth can not believe we have overcome millions of notes other sperm, just to name a few more to go, will soon Elly, waiting.

Smash smash! So we spent was her beloved Elly.

Winly spent how many "Gates" to capture her heart to the beautiful Elly. Winly and Elly has to blend together into a block, eventually forming a Zygote, after 9 months 10 days then a beautiful baby and lovely cried oe oe was born ... "

Ms. extremely disturbed, not knowing how to answer their what's wrong. But she reassured rather than every time the bath, the only sister agree for her mother. Baby whisper into the ear of her sister: "The just for mom a bath to keep the secret of the mother and child, not for anyone!".=
