The secret to giving birth to a child SMART, QUICKLY, LEARN A KNOWLEDGE Every pregnant mother needs to know

When pregnant, nutrition, emotional state and how parents interact with the baby in the abdomen will affect the baby's brain development process. It is impossible to negate genes largely to the intelligence, thinking ability and personality of the child later. However, it is the mother's lifestyle and living habits during pregnancy that will help ensure that the genotypes are developed in perfect pregnancy. Therefore, when pregnant, please take care of the following tasks to help your baby be smart and agile.

Regularly sing and tell stories to children

Singing, telling stories or playing gentle classical music is one of the scientific measures to help children love brain development effectively. Gentle or joyful songs will bring "pleasure", which helps to increase the child's ability to recognize and feel. Songs and stories will help stimulate the brain to form and train thinking, paving the way for language development right from the womb.

Not only good for the fetus, this also helps the pregnant mother to have a more relaxed spirit, reduce stress, and help her mother to sleep better and love life more. The elected mother can choose chamber music pieces from famous composers of the world such as Beethoven, Mozart, . or Vietnamese and foreign fairy tales.

Pay more attention to children

The gestures of caressing the belly and touching the belly can help children feel the feelings of the mother, the child will feel better and good for the comprehensive development of the child.

Encourage your husband to communicate with your child

The mothers vote to encourage their husbands to communicate regularly with their children so that the fetus can feel their affection and concern, positively impact their brain and emotional development. Like the mother, the role of the father is extremely important in the formation and development of the fetus. Science has proven, the fact that the father regularly communicates with the child by putting his ear to the womb and talking to the child, rubbing the abdomen and 'answering' each time he or she kicks, . as well as caring, caring The whole-hearted mind every day for both mother and child will help the fetus tend to develop better both physically and intellectually and the spirit of the baby during the time of 'being in the womb'.

Add iodine

Like folic acid, iodine is also an extremely important mineral in pregnancy. This deficiency in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy can significantly reduce your baby's IQ. Iodine supplementation can increase your child's score to 17.25 points.

Therefore, pregnant mothers should supplement foods rich in iodine during pregnancy. These are marine fish, cheese, yogurt, eggs, milk, .

Stay in a good mood

Pregnant or angry, the baby is also very susceptible to "getting infected" with this bad temper, which leads to crying, irritability, grief and obedience. Pregnant women should find ways to ensure the spirit is always comfortable, when stress should listen to music, watch movies or find people to chat to relax, should not go to bed in an angry mood will not be good for the fetus.

Avoid alcohol completely

Most experts recommend that pregnant mothers avoid using any drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and drugs even before becoming pregnant. The most dangerous developmental disorders in newborns tend to occur due to prenatal exposure to any addictive substance, especially alcohol. These addictive substances adversely affect fetal brain development. Therefore, pregnant women must avoid drinking alcohol completely to have smart children.


Many people mistakenly believe that they should sunbathe when they are born. In fact, in the womb, the fetus needed vitamin D to nourish the body. Spend 20 minutes a day sunbathing with me. Combining vitamin D supplementation in your daily diet will help your baby develop comprehensively, especially thinking thinking, getting information and avoiding bone diseases at birth.

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient to help your baby's bones and heart grow healthy. In addition, it is a factor that helps children avoid the risk of autism.

Food helps your baby smart from the womb


In fish contains a lot of amino acids, calcium, potassium, zinc, lecithin and other elements . So if the pregnant mother regularly replenishes fish in the daily menu, the child will be very smart later.

Black sesame

In black sesame contains omega-3, sesamolin and sesamin compounds, especially black sesame are rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, iron and other minerals. These are factors that help the fetal brain develop sustainably.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc, important in building brain cell structures as well as activating areas of information processing in the brain. Zinc is concentrated in a thin layer adjacent to the pumpkin seed, so the mother needs to peel gently.

Mother needs: She needs 7mg of zinc each day during pregnancy to be best for the fetal brain. Mom should mix pumpkin seeds with salads that will be easier to enjoy.


Eggs are a rich source of protein and iron, important for the development of the fetal brain. In addition, eggs are considered to be choline-rich superfoods, essential for memory development and children's ability to learn and remember.

Mother needs: Experts recommend pregnant women need 450mg of choline daily. A hard-boiled egg contains about 113mg. Mom should eat eggs with spinach, nuts will provide adequate nutrients necessary for pregnancy.

Seafood, seaweed

Seaweed, seaweed and seafood are rich in minerals, similar to minerals in human blood. These foods will provide vitamin B2, vitamin K, iodine (usually in meat, fish, green vegetables, milk), pantotenic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron . very good for the health of mothers and need set for children's brain development later.


Micronutrients such as iron, phosphorus, calcium and vitamin B1, vitamin B2 in walnuts are also good for healthy and developing fetal neurons.
