These misunderstandings are not thought about getting pregnant

Sexual intercourse more than once per day will increase your fertility

Half of the women believe that sexual intercourse more than once per day will increase fertility.

Half of the women believe that sexual intercourse more than once per day will increase fertility. This may sound reasonable, but the fact is not so.

If the female body produces an egg in a cycle, then in men once ejaculation has millions of sperm, and the sperm just an efficient work is possible to conceive. Furthermore, each ejaculation, sperm count to decrease.

So trying to have sex several times a day, and does not increase the ability of the sperm to the egg's true location. Instead the obstetric specialists advise the couple want a baby should focus more than a "Committee" real quality.

The relationship raises the possibility of pregnancy

Relations posture or body weight does not affect the pregnancy. However more than 1/3 of women think that in these special positions can bean effective contraceptives. Although this interpretation is completely wrong, but also does not cause harm if anyone believe in that because it does not negatively impact the ability of pregnant women.

She elected to eat twice as much

True to nourish the baby in the belly does not spend too many calories as many still believe. If she elected to have had a balanced diet, just add 1-2 meals a day (about 300 calories) is enough.

Women will take back his old weight after child birth

The fact is, the mother will decrease to about 4.5-7 kg immediately after birth, including the baby's weight and a water content during childbirth. Meanwhile, pregnancy, women increased about 11-16kg. Usually, you will have to take about a year or more to get in shape compact. Has a good news is, breastfeeding will help you lose weight faster.

The sex of the baby do affect the shape of the belly

The truth: A myth. You never look at the shape of the belly of the mother knows the sex of the baby at all, then the doctors have supersonic long long unemployment.

You can't often be if caesarean earlier

The truth: students often after previous caesarean was, however, higher risk is continued caesarean. Should discuss the pros cons of the options with your doctor before deciding.

All women are breastfeeding breast milk if they want

The truth: some previous chest surgeries can cause difficulties when breastfeeding, and some medications can cause the disease to the baby through breast milk. If you are trying to give breastfeeding, find out why breast milk is best for your child and find support from doctors as well as other mothers.

During pregnancy, you are not allowed to run

The truth: a lot of the pregnant woman can do depends on what she had before, or do so or not? If the habit of jogging, you don't need to worry about the baby will dive out on the treadmill. You can continue the activity you are doing, or up for a training plan designed specifically for each trimester.

If the mother infected with sexually transmitted diseases, the baby will also be

There are into the blood and infections spread to baby through the placenta. The disease then spread only when in direct contact.

The truth: Not 100% correct, because it depends on the type of disease that the mother is infected with. There are into the blood and infections spread to the baby through the placenta. The disease then spread only when in direct contact. In the latter case, the doctors will give pregnant women lay their surgery to prevent infection.=
