Tip Select the purchase and processing of edible mushrooms properly

1. Buy mushrooms

When purchasing mushrooms, you should choose fresh colors, the fungus has characteristic fragrance.

When purchasing mushrooms, you should choose fresh colors, the fungus has characteristic fragrance. Fresh mushrooms have a silk layer as thin as paper on mushrooms. Do not select the mushrooms out, smells rancid. Cut ooze out white fluid milk is probably a sign of poisonous mushrooms. Avoid the mushrooms have bruises or wrinkle on the Spire, should not choose mushrooms be viscosity.

2. no need to wash the mushrooms too technical

Fungi live in absolute clean environment, stem the mushrooms back in the form of foam and yarn should wash the mushrooms will cause water condensation making the mushrooms are no longer sweet, so no need to wash it thoroughly. However, some types of mushrooms are obliged to wash thoroughly if during the transport to the dirty line on, but should wash under tap water, steam fog form rather than wash water directly to the body of the fungus will ruin the meat mushrooms.

3. Before processing to cut off the foot fungus

Stipe is where exposure to nutrients, but in which some inorganic humans should not use and uptake into the body so when processing the fungus, it should cut off the foot fungus.

4. Sautéed Mushrooms at high temperature

When processing a mushroom, you ought to at high temperature as if to low temperatures will mushroom out more water, debris, duct and bland, not keep the flavor and the most delicious colors. Also you should only give a moderate amount of oil to fry the mushrooms, do not give too much because the fat will impede the process of absorbing nutrition from fungi, which cause bloating, not good for digestion.

5. Need fully cooked

Need to eat the mushrooms were perfectly cooked, i.e. about 5-10 minutes after boiling. After eating the mushrooms should not be done using the right cold drinks like iced tea or iced coffee, because it features Sonic tonic mushrooms should drink the right map, then cold susceptible to cold.

6. Do not eat much

According to traditional medicine, fungi have the sweetness, computer cool, if used and long may lead to indigestion, stomach cold. Those who love the taste of weak, damaged when eating or bloating, slow, liquid stool, bowel debris is not recommended.

7. Buy mushrooms clear origin, source

To buy the mushrooms clean, cultivated, not poisoned, the sisters need to choose a trusted address, reputed to buy.

To buy the mushrooms clean, cultivated, not poisoned, the sisters need to choose a trusted address, reputed to buy.

8. Keep the water soaked dried mushrooms

Dried shiitake soaking water very aromatic so when soaking mushrooms done you should not pour away. Can take the above water bring the decanting of cooking broth, soup-making or processing of food would it arbitrary. last part Left the bowl, there may be more, should quit.

Tips for mushroom preservation

-Want to preserve mushrooms well, after buying about, you picked up cleanly. Then, you poached them in boiling water for about another two minutes and rinse with cold water. For the mushrooms to the pot, pour the water has just flooded and then put in the fridge to cool. This way helps preserve fresh mushrooms about three to four days.

Tips to identify poisonous mushrooms, wild mushrooms

How to identify poisonous mushrooms

Looked at with the naked eye. Usually these kinds of poisonous mushrooms never looked more colorful, have also spotted, emerge on mushroom caps are the floating particles or coloured red or striped, grooves, cracks, has around the trunk. Usually these kinds of poisonous mushrooms when interrupts will have plastic flow.

Smell by the nose. Poisonous mushrooms when picking usually smells spicy, smells bitter smell or black xộc up. Edible mushrooms are usually aromatic or odorless.

Test the color variable. Use the white part of green onions to rub on the mushroom caps, if the bulb turns into blue Brown proves poisonous, if on the contrary, does not turn no proves poisonous. In addition, once cooked, can use chopsticks, silver spoon to try before eating.

Test by cow's milk. For a small amount of fresh cow's milk over the mushroom caps, if clumping milk phenomenon, likely had mushrooms poisonous.

The attention when eating wild mushrooms

Not picking mushroom stuff I don't know for sure.

-Not picking mushroom stuff I don't know for sure. Each user should not use many types of confusion which just Cook a single type. In addition to the precautions and poisonous mushrooms, also because many fungi Cook together will cause chemical reactions, also become toxic.

-When processing wild mushrooms, just like processed mushrooms often, the best measure would be to boil boiling before the FRY Cook to reduce toxicity.

-When purchasing mushrooms in the market, best buy type has ever eaten, so oil, also still needs a new cooked food.

-When eating mushrooms should not drink alcohol. There are several types of wild mushrooms is non-toxic but contains these ingredients cause chemical reactions with the ingredients in alcohol, so poisonous.

-After eating the mushrooms if discomfort, nausea, dizziness, intense abdominal pain, fever, unknown look ... right away to the hospital. If not timely, it should have the first aid measures as simple as causing vomiting, or the visible drug to colon cleansing to remove the toxic ingredients in the mushroom which the body not absorbed, thereby mitigating the severity of poisoning. After first aid, to bring emergency disease.=
