What factors cause infertility for sisters

1. irregular menstrual cycle

Irregular menstrual cycle (too short on 24-under or too long-more than 35 days), then the ability to glitch in the higher fertility. Because of their vivid irregular menstruation cycle will affect the process of ovulation and egg quality. If you are experiencing irregular menstrual cycle, go visit your doctor as soon as possible.

2. Overweight

Women who are overweight or underweight can be infertility, because in both cases, the woman may be in trouble about, affects hormone levels in the body can lead to reduced chance of conceiving.

If you want to fast, you need to maintain a proper body weight, avoid too much weight or underweight.

3. chronic diseases

Women trapped in chronic diseases such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, depression, peptic ulcers ... may be infertile than healthy people. It is due for treatment of these diseases can affect the mechanism of ovulation and conception in a woman's body. So, if you suffer from these problems and are expected to have children then please talk to your doctor for the other drugs, reduce the risk of affecting the ability of your pregnancy.

4. Have a history of miscarriage

The research indicates that almost 30% of women suffered miscarriages or miscarriage in a row 3 times will likely suffer from infertility, rare later than her sisters have good reproductive health.

The risk factors that cause miscarriage in a row including: due to the womb baffled channel openings, the uterus, the uterus, uterine fibrosis malformations, polype please, stick to the uterine Chamber, due to autoimmune factors. Other causes such as phospholipid resistance syndrome, endocrine diseases, Huang can pregnancy, diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, thyroid disease, prolactin increased, blood, genetic diseases, chromosomal abnormalities, genetic abnormalities. So, if often suffer miscarriage, you need the utmost attention and careful investigations.

5. sexually transmitted disease

Women who have suffered sexual diseases or infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, sexual genital warts ... also can get stuck to the pregnancy because of the reproductive organ systems vulnerable.

6. fallopian tube problems

The fallopian tubes are the way to go to ova from the ovaries to the uterus. If the problem is something on this path, you will be hard to conceive. Problems related to the fallopian tubes makes up 35% of the total number of problems that cause infertility. Visit infertility, doctors may assign you to capture optical barriers the fallopian tube to check for any clogged in the paragraph would not. The sisters had been sexually transmitted disease, abdominal surgery and a number of other factors are at risk for fallopian tube obstruction.

Some causes of fallopian tube obstruction can be due to: pelvic inflammatory disease, sex ... In this case, your doctor will have to proceed with surgery to remove the blockage or perform in vitro fertilization to get pregnant.

7. polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition that prevents the development of ovaries. This condition occurs with hormonal imbalance and lead to irregular ovulation, affect the ability to conceive. Manifestation of polycystic ovarian syndrome include irregular periods, acne and obesity ... These women incidence of Polycystic Ovarian necessary to use the medicine as directed by your doctor to improve your chances of conceiving.

8. Over the age of 35

When you are in the 20s, the chance of pregnancy (when sex does not use contraceptives) is 25%. Over 35 years, this number decreased to 15% and more (10%) to the age of 40. When you age 42, opportunities down below 1%.

If you are under 35 years of age, have sex frequently and have regular menstrual cycles, the opportunity to conceive within a year is about 85%. If step over age 35 and have been trying for at least 6 months but still no result should meet the experts to be consulted the timely interventions.=
