11 beauty tips 'unmoving' helps girls without makeup as beautiful as hot girl

The skin is tight

Most skinned look this sentence has never been wrong for the sister society. With a smooth, flawless skin, you don't need makeup to be beautiful and radiant enough.

To nourish your skin right at home without expensive cosmetics or spa, use a mixture of sugarless yogurt mixed with turmeric. Apply on the face, massage gently to absorb nutrients into the skin. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. Apply this way twice a week.

Tighten pores

If you want to shrink your pores, take a tomato and squeeze the juice with honey and pour it into the ice tray and put it in the fridge. In the evening before going to bed, take the tomato ice and rub it all over your face. When it is gone, relax for another 5 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Immediately clear acne

Use a white toothpaste to apply to the pimple, this is a way to help reduce acne and reduce swelling and pain. You can also apply cold ice to acne to get the same result.

Removal of dead skin once a week

Exfoliation is quite important but few people care. This step helps the skin remove old, rough skin cells, stimulating new skin to develop a fresh and radiant appearance.

If at home there is no exfoliating cream, you can make use of a mixture of lemon, sugar and honey and apply it gently to your face. Do not rub too hard to cause skin damage.

Remove dark circles

Late at night, plowing movies makes eyes look ugly and ugly, to solve this situation, just mix salt water and use cotton wool to dip into the mixture and apply to eye bags. Apply persistence and perform for a long time to improve beauty.


The line of eyebrows is small but it is the secret weapon that creates the temperament of the face. Just own beautiful eyebrows, the face will be much more attractive. Therefore, take care of the eyebrows carefully.

In the evening before sleeping, take onion juice mixed with honey and rub it all over your eyebrows, massage gently after 15 minutes then rinse with cool water.

Lean lips

The face will be alive if you have a rich and red lips. Take care of your lips with vaseline, coconut oil or olive oil. Also take care of exfoliating your lips 1 - 2 times a week and put on a sleep mask. Soon the lips will be pink and full without lipstick.

Curling eyelashes

Thick, curling black lashes contribute a lot to the sparkling eyes.

In the evening, please put a little coconut oil stroking evenly from the eyelashes to the tops, then wake up the next morning and rinse with warm water.

Tooth whitening

The secret to score points in the opponent's eyes is a bright smile when meeting. To get that, you should have a white corn grain.

Mix sugar-free soda with lemon juice to rinse your mouth every day. This way will help you remove ugly yellow stains on the crowns.

Smooth hair care

Being a girl must have a smooth, healthy hair. Use a home hair mask with easy-to-find ingredients like beer, chicken eggs and lemon juice.

Handle sticky hair

In the case of fast-drying hair, you can treat it by using children's chalk on the top of the head and hair to absorb oil quickly.
