15 incredible beauty recipe of chicken eggs

Certainly with the eggs, the color bright side dashing will make you more confident especially in Sun dried. Winifred

1. Delete the blurry bird feet

Up late frequently, drinking water or lazy always squinting due to sensitivity to light-that is the principal causes leading to the formation of the ugly bird feet in the tail. For women, this is the "enemy", is the beauty signs announcing that "she looks older to 5-10 years".

An alternative method is very simple and can be done at home to reduce the footprint of bird that is using egg white face mask. Egg white helps the skin toned, you reduce the appearance of "enemy beauty". All what you need to do is apply the egg white evenly in 15° n, then rinse with warm water. You will face healthy and the pores will also shrink. regularly at least twice each week, you'll notice the clear and positive.

2. Anti Aging

When you mirror have seen many wrinkles. That's the expression shows the skin collagen deficiency-the composition maintain elasticity, smooth stretch of skin. Use egg masks to remedy this situation.

Just chopped 1 ripe banana, pureed with 1 chicken eggs is that you have to have a kind of anti aging mask on both fantastic. Collagen in the chicken eggs will help her maintain tightness, smooth skin of adolescence, the limitation was saggy skin condition. Bananas in composition mask has just helped remove the fishy smell of eggs, just clean the skin, se snugly pores and clear blemishes.

Or you can also use 2 egg yolks mix well, 3 teaspoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of flour into the special fluid paste. Use the toothpick has wrapped cotton mixed topical on the up side. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Both the yolk and egg white are the effects very well in the beauty shop.

3. skin whitening

Separate the egg whites into the bowl, then use cotton swab illuminate the face. Keep until the facial skin to become dry, please rinse the surface with mineral water (mineral water to the skin) and moisturizers. Used regularly 2-3 times/week, skin white and smooth you'll see.

4. Improve dry skin

To get back the sound smooth soft skin, you use 1 egg yolk mixed with 1 spoonful of olive oil or cream then up "mixed" side up for about 20 minutes, wait until dry, then rinse with water.The nutrients in chicken eggs as well as moisturizing feature featured in olive oil will make your skin look cooler than the dusky.

5. dry skin remedy chappy

Mix together egg yolk and Honey wheat into gelatinous characteristics, use a toothpick wrapped cotton illuminate the surface, after 15-20 minutes, wash your face with warm water. Often illuminate the face, not the treatment of acne, but also avoid the skin does not dry on the East in chappy marbles, further helping white pink, smooth.

6. Acne treatment

Get the peeled almonds and spicy interplay, mix well with the egg white. In the evening before bed use rose water facial wipe then apply all over the face, the next morning wake up, wash with warm water and wipe dry again with rose water. Here's How to treat acne with chicken egg wrap effect that you can apply.

7. Goodbye, oily skin

Beat egg whites with lemon juice for 3 minutes. DAB the mixture directly onto the face. Attention avoid the eye area. After 40 minutes, rinse the face with warm water. This mask type suitable for oily skin. After washing the face, dry skin with a soft towel absorbent, so topical cream for oily skin immediately to give the best results. To note that lemon skin getting more sunshine, so you should only perform in the evening.

8. Moisturizing da

On winter days, low humidity will cause your skin to become dry, rough chappy. To enhance moisture to the skin, then you can follow ways: Mixed Golden Heart eggs, honey and wheat flour into gelatinous characteristics, use a toothpick wrapped cotton illuminate the surface, after 15-20 minutes, wash your face with warm water. Can let the mixture into jars, store in the refrigerator to use gradually. A day after washing face, take a DAB of this mixture onto the surface to help the skin soft, pinky.

More simply you just boiled chicken eggs 3-5 primary, following whites leave red, keep the fire small yolk module in the pot until the yolk color transfer and flow the mixture make a make a brown. Let the mixture into jars, store in the refrigerator to use gradually. A day after washing face, take a DAB of essential oils of this side up eggs to help the skin soft, pinky.

9. treat hair dandruff

For the chicken into egg white in a bowl using chopsticks, stir, add a little bit of room suite fresh pork. After the first wash use this mixture immediately DAB up the leg hair, quickly use 2 day hands on scalp, 10 minutes after taking water to wash again, every week do 1 time.

If you know how, you can also limit holders available raw materials are chicken eggs. You can mix the 2 egg yolks with 1 bit of banking soda, 1 table spoon of olives and massage for hair. Baking soda will help take away the bucket class in the hairline while egg yolks and olive will help erase the stain of fissures on the scalp.

10. Prevent hair loss

Use a tablespoon of honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 2 tablespoons of shampoo and water squeezed just enough amount of onions. All mixed real, apply to hair and hair magnate with hats made of thin plastic membranes; Constantly wet towel up hot section on cones. After 1-2 hours, use the shampoo wash. Each day, after a period of implementation, sparse hair condition will be improved.

11. Smooth hair

Eggs can also smooth the hair very well, if you know how to use them properly. You can consult the 3 easiest ways, or be used for:

Mix 1 spoon of honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 table spoon of almond oil, 1 spoon of yogurt; then overlay the mixture onto your hair within half an hour and flush again with warm water. Or mix the egg yolk directly onto the hair and incubated within half an hour after that to discharging an iridescent hair silky. Finally, mix one egg with lemon juice, among other things, really illuminate the hair and hold a few seconds, wash with water. This mixture helps the hair color fade and fibrosis retrieve it looks shiny.

13. Recovery of damaged hair, split

Mix 1 spoon of honey, 2 olive spoons and a egg yolks into the mixture to the hair and massage in for 1to 5 minutes then flush with water.

14. hand skin

Your skin soft, smooth hand always points the impression for you girl, wanted to obtain this you use an egg white, add 2 spoons of milk, 1 spoon honey then mix well and then lather up to 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly, then apply lotion. Each week to do once you get the double-hand "smooth as silk" and white rose.

In addition to the use as food that is rich in nutrients for your meal, chicken eggs is a raw beauty wonderful to take care of your skin, certainly with chicken egg colors bright side dashing will make you more confident especially in Sun dried. Winifred

With only a chicken egg you can processing several types of inexpensive face masks but helps anti-aging and skin lightening effect, very safe.

15. Se closed pores

Enlarged pores will create conditions for the dirt, bacteria easily invade and "make it hard" you when the makeup. Want to let the pores are closed se, you need to prepare: 4 spoons of wheat flour; 1 banana; 1 chicken eggs

Proceed: mashed together flour, eggs Beaten and banana together, then to form a dough mixture. Use this mixture to DAB up to about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.=
