2 delicious food from chicken to help lose weight

Chicken steamed pumpkin

Ingredients: pumpkin, chicken, peanuts, Lotus seed, turmeric yellow, Purple Onions, coriander, MSG, sugar, seasoning.

Pumpkin cleaning the chicken not only lose weight but also beautiful skin.

How to do:

Pumpkin took the sharp knife round holes or star on the stalk, then use a small scoop out pumpkin guts and granular grab. We clean chicken, marinated chicken pieces, cut with seasoning, MSG, sugar, turmeric powder.

Shallot minced chicken stir-fry, Golden pilot for chicken Hunt, Lotus seed, peanuts, water poured into the tunnel. When the tunnel is completed is also about three cups of broth, bring into the mysterious secret of chicken water will Leach to the left.

Cleaning left nine mystery contains chicken. Use purple cabbage and parsley garnish around the left eye for beautiful secrets.

Chicken vegetable wrap


Remove chicken skin, carrot, corn, kohlrabi, salt

How to do:

Wash all raw materials. Carrot, corn and Kohlrabi finely chopped and then for all your pureed. Marinated chicken salt, pepper for 15 minutes.

Spread chicken pieces out cutting board or plate. Basting mixture of vegetables just grind up on. Roll the chicken pieces back into the pot for cleaning, 10 to 15 minutes. Chicken, cooked, thick pieces of about 0.5 cm.=
