2 removing Tartar at home simple

Lost lives

Brushing by tribe live help white teeth.

Materials: A few living goober

How to do: Chewing chips peanuts a few live in the mouth, without swallowing. Then, use the Smithereens make special toothpaste. This method also helps white teeth naturally with no smile Bhikkhu stain.

Fresh lemon, baking powder and sea salt

Material in the stove can also help you whiten your teeth.


1 fresh lemon

1 table spoon of baking powder cafe

1 spoon of sea salt cafe

How to do:

You peel the rind of a lemon grab then, if can pureed, then grind the smaller real lemon peel to mix well with the baking powder and sea salt. You can add a bit of warm water to mix the mixture to mixture not too dry but make more like toothpaste. You use this mixture to rub up the brush teeth by Tartar software will help effectively. The mixture will gradually hit the bay the plaque and Tartar around the tooth surface.=
