3 a mixture of tartar at home simple

Way 1:


Mix Tartar at home very safe don't worry about damage to tooth enamel.

4 tbsp (tablespoon) 3 tablespoons sunflower seeds, tree flower fragment, 1 liter of water

How to do:

For the ingredients and water in the pot, simmer for about 30 minutes. Use the mixture to brush your teeth after every meal.

Method 2:


2 spoons of vinegar, 1/2 spoons of salt, half the bowl of warm water

How to do:

For vinegar, salt in bowl of warm water and dissolve them together to form a solution used for entrapment and gargling. The components in this gargle used excellent in removing Tartar, tartar mouthwash also helps you eliminate harmful bacteria in the mouth, antiseptic and avoid gingivitis, dental health protection effective.

Method 3:


1 piece bread  Toothpaste   How to do:  Bake the bread until the crust of black fire. Shaved small sections and take a fire class with toothpaste, rub the teeth strong by this mixture before sleeping. With this mixture that you don't use often that used only 2 times a week. White teeth up to see.  Of the remaining fires shells you make bag stored in the airy, where the next user to get out of the mix if not toothpaste would be dry again.=
