3 beauty tips Super fast with eggs boiled

Weight loss

Use boiled eggs as a food in the morning, you will quickly lose weight safely. However, when applying the way reduce belly fat , you should note the following:

Boiled chicken egg help lose weight fast.

Each week should only eat 3-4 eggs. Should not eat too much is not good for health.

You can buy more eggs and preserved in the refrigerator to use gradually but don't let in the door of the fridge.

Treat acne

Keep cooked chicken eggs then enlist at warm egg, peeled and wrapped eggs in 1 layer of thin towel. Use a thin towel wrapped egg roll are both strong and slightly up on the skin have acne. To roll the eggs until cool, then stopped. Can be done 1 time per day to be effective in pushing the "younger" acne.

Thank you acne

Peeled eggs were cooked. Retrieved eggs have peeling skin have acne up roller thank you, gentle note don't break eggs.

Roll about 15 minutes then stop. At the moment when whites separated out you'll see workers smoking acne deep into the egg yolks.=
