3 brilliant to se snugly pores and have smooth white skin

3 brilliant to se snugly pores and have smooth white skin.

Yogurt mask

Try using yogurt face mask to reduce pores. Yet pure yogurt probiotics and lactic acids, very effective help against invading bacteria.

Whenever a thin layer of pure yogurt up the entire face and to so in 2 minutes.

However, to ensure that you do not get this mask on the skin 10 minutes too, as it can cause irritation.

Note that should only face mask yogurt once a week only you.

Papaya or banana peel

Peel papaya or banana peel rubbed up all over your skin. For about 15 minutes then rinse vegetables with water.

Papaya and banana contains beneficial substances that help mitigate these weaknesses on your skin.


One of the best effective results in the collapse that pores are lemon. In many natural enzymes lemon help face skin firming, making clean pores, shrinks pores and skin do you light up each day.

Recipe with lemon is: You can mix 1 spoon of lemon juice with 1 cup purified water with 1/2 cup cucumber juice to form a liquid mixture. Then, lightly DAB the skin with a hole big leg up.=
