3 herbs help beauty from the inside out


Lettuce is the type of fish that contain large amounts of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, ...

Lettuce is the type of fish that contain large amounts of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, ... as well as many other nutritional ingredients, so it is considered as a perfect skincare products in helping you get a smooth, taut skin light, does not stain and also make hair Bhikkhu health , silky iridescent.


Celery, also known as parsley, here is the food helps to provide more supply chlorophyl and Vitamin C, it has the effect of helping you fresh and healthy.

Celery, also known as parsley, here is the food helps to provide more supply chlorophyl and Vitamin C, it helps you fresh and healthy. Moreover it also help you anti inflammatory, anti swelling in an effective manner. So you should supplement the celery added daily menu for you to help you treat acne from the inside and simultaneously help you strengthen your resistance from within.


Coriander has a balancing effect in the acid the body, especially the liver, helping detoxification, prevent illness, and weight gain.

Coriander has a balancing effect in the acid the body, especially the liver, helping detoxification, prevent illness, and weight gain. Coriander is considered herbal detoxification, as well as a herb that helps prevent and treat acne effectively for your puberty.=
