3 How much meat is acne sisters applied for


Vinegar is How to treat acne with natural meat that old folk have used.

Vinegar is a natural acne treatment that uses the old folk. Should use the perennial vinegar to bring best results. Just take two tablespoons of vinegar or about 200 ml with a chicken egg in vinegar for three days and nights, squeeze soft egg is found. Picked the chicken egg white grab illuminate is acne. Rinse face with warm water.

Perilla leaf

Acne cure meat by leaf's folk methods are many siblings applied.

Shiso is a vegetable is no stranger to each person. Let's cure acne by taking leaf, crushed and squeezed the cheers up dots water Nodular meat in the evening. Make such regularity until the acne disappear.

Lemon mask + eggs

Ingredients in egg white and lemon juice are excellent nutrients for your skin is acne. You just mix 4 spoons of lemon juice with 1 spoonful of egg whites, and then retrieved the mixture obtained DAB up the skin around the eyes-where many acne best meat, after 15-20 minutes, then rinse with clean water. With acne way the meat around the eyes, you need to make 3 times a week to have the results as desired.=
