3 principles that you must always remember when losing weight

Stay away from the marinade

Go along with the food usually is the kind of delicious sauce, but you didn't believe that, they are the main culprit causing the overweight in you.

Go along with the food usually is the kind of delicious sauce, but you didn't believe that, they are the main culprit causing the overweight in you. The type of sauce often provide very high calorie by calorie intake of a pie and fried sweet potato part hambuger combined. So, you give up the habit of using the included sauce with English if the Fed intended to reduce fat.

Every hour to stand for about 10 minutes  The stand up will help boost your metabolism so will food be digested faster. If possible don't just stand, you should walk around the room even to dance alone about 10 minutes is also very good.

At least 7 hours of sleep a night

The sleep is not enough sleep will cause the body to increase the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that also is a shield agent you gain weight. In a study with more than 6000 participants, Japanese researchers discovered that sleep time is less concerned with the increase in BMI and waist greater than in males. Insomnia also interfere with recovery and growth hormone production.=
