3 skin whitening tips of Japanese women

Tofu skin Whitening mask

Is one of the dishes popular in parts of Asia, the soybean yield many benefits for health and beauty treatments. Women in the cherry blossoms always possessed the beauty way simple extremely effective. They use masks of tofu to maintain moisture and elasticity to the skin, thereby slowing the aging process.

Tofu brings many benefits for health and beauty treatments.

Use of new type, tofu has just done, mashed up and nghiềm the skin. After 20 minutes, then wash your face with warm water. Tofu has the effect of fast Skin Whitening and replenish the water needed and help purify the skin, bring you your skin taut, full of life.

Bath with fresh milk

The peace of a little honey and fresh milk in warm water, soaking in the bath is an effective way to help your skin relax, restore moisture. This method also helps to maintain youthful skin, reduce the signs of premature aging.

Sun by green tea

The harsh tropical sun is the leading factor in making the women's skin appears the fire stain, wrinkled and white-pink radiant cannot. So, the way the Sun effectively. With Japanese women, green tea is a "mantle" extremely effective protection.=
