3 steps to split out hair quickly

Boost eat sweet potatoes

Eat sweet potatoes helps protect your hair from harm.

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source contains antioxidants Beta carotene, which the body will be converted into Vitamin A.

"Basically, every cell can not operate without enough Vitamin A," Fishman said. It also helps protect your hair from harm.

The selection: carrots, red mango, melon, pumpkin, apricot is the food provides a rich source of Beta carotene.

The water temperature is about 30 degrees C shampoo

Warm water about 30 degrees C is most suitable for shampoo, but you should not keep it from early releases. Reduce the temperature of the water discharge of the last help pores closed better and also more silky hair.

Brewed mask hair with eggs

Honey chicken egg masks help hair extremely effective.

Mix 1 spoon of honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 table spoon of almond oil, 1 spoon of yogurt-covered then mixed up the hair within half an hour and flush again with warm water.=
