3 the unsuspecting culprit causing bad breath you should avoid

Citrus juice  Citrus juice has a lot of benefits to health so rich in vitamin C and fiber. However, if this kind of juice drinks will cause bad breath in the Citrus juices containing citric acid huge help bacteria grow quickly created many sulfur compounds that cause bad breath.

Drinking more Citrus juices can cause bad breath.

Do not drink enough water

Body water loss can make you too little secretion of saliva, which is problematic, because saliva cleans the odor-causing bacteria. According to BS Gibber, spit that out we will create conditions for the cells in the mouth, when reduced saliva, the cells will begin to die and stink. Nutritionists recommend that you drink 6 to 8 cups 250 ml water per day. Green tea is also good. A study of Israel by 2012 indicate that the antioxidants in green tea which changes some sulfur compounds in bad breath.

Eating too much food is harmful

Sure you know garlic can cause bad breath. But did you know that dairy products can also increase the room for nose and smell. These foods contain more carbohydrates promote bacterial growth because they contain a lot of sugar.=
