3 type 'etched glass' of acne

Lemon juice

Concentrations of potassium and vitamins are beneficial in the lemon helps you beautify the effect. How to treat acne from very rich lemon. Lemon added to the masks with the purpose of controlling acne mucus.

Drink diluted lemon juice to waste toxins and excess fluid, seed removal cause acne.

Drink diluted lemon juice to waste toxins and excess fluid, seed removal cause acne. Lemon juice also has diluted the effect weight loss.

Drinking water filter in the morning

According to 39, toxins in the body if not timely post will cause acne. At this time, drink a white water early morning tractor is the best way to detoxification.

After a night of body metabolism, the scum and toxins should be a foreign power strong enough to help the process of excretion, a cup of water without any white sugar ingredient and nutrition would effective external forces is for.

Tomato juice

Red tomato juice has many benefits for your skin. From cleaning the skin to fade scars and acne, tomato juice is also very easy to do and friendly to the skin.=
