3 types of result 'secrets' as most flowers black penetrating emulsion

Fresh lemon

Lemon spice is capable of penetrating the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, you can also make use of lemon juice to help make pink flowers. You just need to dot a few drops fresh lemon juice out Palm and lather them up and gently massage emulsion. If to lemon juice on overnight there'll be flowers emulsion performance pink flowers will be higher.

Lemon spice is capable of penetrating the effectiveness of treatment.


Papaya contains beta-carote components-precursor of vitamin A-anti aging skin. At the same time high enzyme content in papaya can easily seep deep into the skin to help beautify the skin, fast recovery of the lesions. Use the papaya is the simplest way to exfoliate dead skin, recovery looks fresh for screening mammography.

Do pink flowers with natural papaya is very simple. You just need to take a shower every time, bring a piece of ripe papaya and rub all over the early United States emulsion.


Cucumber which is famous for the effect to lighten the skin. The top of the chest is often sheltered place, not be exposed directly to the Sun, so you can confidently dice cucumber and turn them into a mask for née United.=
