3 types of water cooling helps the skin in hot day


Drink water lettuce in the summer, fish will se the pores.

Fish lettuce benign herb is familiar and easy to find. The fish can live to eat lettuce, grilled vegetables or spices in the dish include computer cooling and have the ability to detoxify the body.  In addition to the effect of cooling the skin and regulate excess oil on skin, fish lettuce can purification and detoxification make clear the pores.

Fish lettuce washed, chopped, pureed or mashed to retire, take the country and what of salads to add 1-2 spoons of refined olive oil. Then add a fresh lemon juice. Beat the mixture evenly and apply to the skin as long as 20 minutes. Finally rinse the face with warm water, then rinse with cold water.   CENTELLA

CENTELLA wash over many times for clean sand, remove hard breaks. To CENTELLA up the basket to drain, for a little CENTELLA in Blender, add a little sugar and a little water filter, grind real smooth.

Next use the filter tools, towels or filters out excess vegetable juice, get the cheeks, continue to grind for most vegetables cheeks. Then pour the water into the clean glass jar CENTELLA, when mixed into piles more stone cold, cold.

Spanish conversation and rock sugar

Peel leaves Spanish conversation outside. When this, they smell fishy oi. But you do make few times is will adapt immediately.

After the Peel, you soak the white meat portion of Spanish conversation in salt water for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with water and let drain.

Next put them into a blender and grind basis. Grind how to still the Portuguese Bureau small conversation.

North water pot on the stove, 1 Spanish passion leaves to weighs about 5 lang then for 1 liter of water. Drop a lump of sugar (for real, at least 1 decent conversation then leaves for 1 the Bureau of sugar to thumb).

When boiling water and sugar dissolves, you miss the Spanish conversation was milled into the heat until the water boils again. At this time you should turn off the stove to cool, on the fridge to drink gradually.=
