3 vegetables help se pores fast


You should only use the order mask 2 times/week.

You just wash the persicaria mixed with salt and then retire, get its juice to DAB all face up within 2 hours. Then, you wash the face with water book. This method not only astringent effect pore tight-but also makes the skin white and smooth over. Unexpected truth.


Applying help se new skin pores.

Applying leaves, washed and then mashed them to retire up to the skin for about 20 minutes. During this period, applying there tac stimulates circulation, blood circulation, absorbent clean the slime from the skin and helps the skin has more new moisture, skin resurfacing. If used regularly applying this way, you will get.


Grind a little lettuce leaves with fish salt granules into mixture to make, then illuminate the face. In it, the salt helps the skin more toned, regulate mucus for the skin. Salt also has antiseptic properties help the skin detoxification, high, prevent and fight acne.=
