4 simple skin moisturizing ingredients for

Honey and milk

Many skin products on the market are the composition of honey and milk. Instead of buying that expensive products, you can use regular milk and honey to soften the skin. All you need to do is mix the two ingredients and up onto the face as a mask.

Use fresh milk and honey to soften the skin.

Ripe bananas

Select the ripe banana mash, DAB all over the face, to resources within a minimum of 20 minutes. Finally wash your face clean with water. In ripe bananas contain chemicals to do the face swells, clean face skin. In addition, when considering the bananas mashed up the skin and cleanse the pores, astringent snugly and the skin becomes smooth.


Use ripe tomatoes left, you take the seeds and then give in to the air to rotate. Then up to the skin for about 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Your skin will stretch smooth

Spanish conversation

Spanish conversation is one of the gifts of nature can help you smooth skin in the cold season. Instead of buying expensive products are advertised to contain Spanish conversation, let's plant a decent tree conversation in the home or buy direct Spanish conversation about Peel and up onto the surface, we will bring you the skin as desired.=
