5 tips to look younger than 10 years

Dyed hair

Can your natural hair color is very beautiful, seductive but dyeing techniques will help you change the perfect style, created the impression with new layout and help my face brighter. Concrete staining popular nowadays are sisters Favorites is red bronze, Brown, caramel brown.

Dyeing techniques will help you change the perfect style, created the impression with new layout and help my face brighter.


Short hair

A hair cut short on the shoulder is always the embodiment of trendy looks, dynamic for all the ladies. However, not all short hairstyles are all help you look younger age.

Slanted bangs

Slanted roof hair has always been considered the "rescue" wing of the round or square face girl, because they help to conceal the frontal part of oversized "and" help you face become elongated, more elegant.

Brushed hairstyles skewed one side

When combined with long curly hair, this hairstyle Thinketh Bong will bring you youthful, more dynamic.

must also remember his "Chase" back acne quick and absolute safety "a hundred" style hair with just a t-shirt "super exclusive beauty forced" from the kitchen his curly hair is straight, do not need machinery

A Berry stretch lips

Instead of using the color dark magenta color, such as lipstick plum or wing Sen. then use clear colors like Strawberry pink, baby pink, pale orange. Besides, it should select the balm to lips always stretch and not dark brown. Can you seat them lipgloss (no emulsion) to your lips look more youthful.

Natural eyebrows

Do not try to draw too many eyebrows trimmed or removed, this will make your face looks very hard and mellowed. Instead, let's just trimmed the strands you grow messy. If you're legs are too pale, please guys with lighter tones lead his real eyebrows to look more youthful, flexible.

Avoid using too much cream background

A thick face cộp district, big chalk is the consequences of too much background chalk you use. Background pollen just taking moderate amounts of range 3 kernels is enough for the whole face, if not you will clearly face wrinkles and loss of natural.=
