7 fitness errors prevent you getting older fast

Skip the boot

If you arrive late for a training session and immediately start with the song pull push weights that will not start before the body, can you're devastated her own body. When inflammatory chemicals, including thyroid hormones and cytokine (inflammatory proteins), are released, they will affect the immune system and makes the body more difficult recovery.

You stick with low-impact exercises

Subjects cycled or low impact aerobic exercises are great, but they won't do much for your bone density. To prevent osteoporosis, you will need to add some impact to maintain bone health. In fact, a recent study published in the journal medicine and science in sports shows running will help significantly reduce the risk of osteoarthritis and hip fracture.

Training with high intensity will make old sister quickly.

No workout plan

If not yet have specific plans don't step into the gym. This may seem extreme but if there is no specific plan, you will fall into a State of wandering to find the next exercise. This will prevent you from wasting time and reduce the intensity of the training, to reduce the effect of exercises.

Burn stage

When the new practice, people often have psychological eager, like to succeed as quickly as possible and with intense training.

The situation all over the wet to Stephen pain cannot lift myself out of bed after a day of training is not the rare situations for the beginners. "Pain in some muscle is in normal condition, but to do something is a serious issue. So my advice here is that you should start with 3-4 day training in gentle level aims to acquaint with this new exercises.

Just focus on high intensity exercise

It's easy to understand why you want to put yourself into the intense workout regimen. It will help your body burn a ton of calories in a short time, and the process of burning continues even after you have completed the exercises. However, you are putting yourself at risk of injury and bodily wear and tear higher.

Make a unique exercises

When you practice just a post for months or years, you are putting long-term pressure up the same type of muscle, joints of the body. This can lead to injury in the muscles and joints that or at least lead to depression. Some kind of heavy injuries including tendonitis, curved bones and fractures.

Air files do not match

Should choose the exercise machine, exercise regimes consistent with the weight and your health. Best, please consult experts before episodes or shop air.=
