Acne cutover bran with aircraft hit carrot

Additional carrots in meals

Carrots are indispensable vegetables on the menu against acne.

Carrots are indispensable vegetables on the menu against acne. Abundant component of vitamin A helps control sebum on the skin, reduces the amount of fat, so that limited medium medium also effective acne cure. Complement the carrot is how acne thank you at home quite effectively.

Carrot and honey mask

Ingredients: 1 carrot, 2 spoons honey cafe

How to do it: cut the carrots into small sections, pureed carrots with 2 spoons of honey, mix up the acne skin thank you for about 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

Carrot and yogurt face mask

Carrot and yogurt not only help treat acne but also make the skin smooth.

Ingredients: carrots, yogurt

How to do it: pureed carrots with yogurt, DAB the mixture onto the skin and leave for 15 minutes and rinse skin with warm water. Make up acne mask this bran from 3-4 times/week.=
