Beautiful, smooth skin thanks to safe homemade detox water

This summer, choose a simple home detox recipe at home to make your own blends that will both save and support weight loss and effectively beautify your skin. In particular, the following detox recipes all use familiar foods, often in the kitchens of every family.

Before making a delicious juice, you will need to prepare the following:

- Water in a jar or water bottle (1 liter or 2 liters)

- Some sliced ​​fruit (you can also use frozen fruit, but it's best to use fresh fruit)

- Minced fresh herbs (if needed)

- Stone (if you like)

Basil and strawberry water

Strawberries and basil are both rich in Vitamin C, good for health. Strawberry helps nourish and restore skin while basil helps fight inflammation for people with irritated skin.

Water cucumber and lemon juice

This is one of the juice you should not ignore. Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C, helps to lighten the skin, fight free radicals and increase cells. Cucumbers have a high water content and add water to the skin. Cucumber pods also contain silica to help firm the skin.

Blueberry and lemon

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which help increase collagen production, increase blood circulation on the skin and bring you smooth, light skin. Add lemon skin to smooth and quick sound.

Orange juice and kiwi

Orange juice is both sweet and refreshing! Orange peel contains a high amount of Vitamin C, which helps slow the signs of aging. Kiwi has a lot of fiber and Vitamin E, so mix kiwi with orange to have perfect skin immediately!

Mint and raspberry juice

Peppermint contains salicylic acid - an ingredient found in many skin care products that help treat acne effectively. So, if your skin is blemished and dark, mint will save your skin. Peppermint also contains Vitamin A to help control excess sebum, which is suitable for oily skin. Raspberries contain high levels of antioxidants and Vitamin C to protect the skin from the sun's rays. Drinking peppermint and raspberries will give you a bright, moist, visibly visible skin.

And so you have a water detox formula that purifies your body's detoxification while being both simple and effective. After about 2 - 3 hours, keep in the refrigerator, good vitamins and nutrients from the fruit are dissolved in the water used to drink filtered water and it is better than billion times that normal water. Apply now to have a cool, fresh body!
