Beauty habit makes you old just sick

Spit or draw too many eyebrows

The eyebrows are too thin or Matador paintings trimmed too bold can "Donate" more you several years. If your natural eyebrows clutter, you only need to define the style by less excess fibers trimmed. If too thin, you will choose the colour of lead/draw near with powder eyebrow color for gentle and consistent style for face.

The eyebrows are too thin or Matador paintings trimmed too bold can "Donate" more you several years.

Do not wash the makeup brush

Makeup brush if not cleaned periodically, it is the drive of the acne causing bacteria. Beauty experts generally recommend to regularly clean the brush once a week by soothing shampoo or baby shampoo.

Too much makeup

When you wear makeup too much or too bold, the amount of the excess facial cosmetics will cause clogged pores and acne. Specifically, what kind of cosmetic oil form and contain more alcohol will make the skin dry, you do lose the layer of natural oils on the skin and create wrinkles.

Fasting to lose weight, keep in shape

For the sisters, slender body is always the No. 1 goal.

For the sisters, slender body is always the No. 1 goal. However, the simple fasting to lose weight keep in shape not only reduces the amount of fat, but the water molecules as well as the body's nutrients, causing impaired immune system, make my sister feel fatigue, dizziness, weakness.

Go heels

Go heel high shoes caused my sister more attractive. However, the high-heel shoes to go in long time easy to cause a variety of diseases. Foot and heel tip not located on the same line when going to high-heel shoes will cause body weight being moved forward, causing the tendon and ankle joints were short again, do your toes susceptible to inflammation, puffiness. At the same time, the body also naturally tend to tilt backwards, increasing the strain to the lower back, resulting in a State suffering from spine stretch in a long time, cause back pain, joint pain-waist knee strain ...

A bra too tight.

A bra is also the tool of her sister's beauty. Not little sister tight bra type selection to be able to expose his soul sucked chest mold. However, the sisters wear tight bras in the long run will affect double emulsion, and the blood circulation in the surrounding area, making the toxins stored in the chest ...

Bags too heavy

Many sisters have preferences bring the handbag fashion to when outside, the inside can contain everything when the need is there, like the cell phone , keys, manuals, ... However heavy bags can cause neck and shoulder muscle suffered great pressure, even causing injury to the neck and shoulders.=
