Clean skin bacteria quickly in just 5 minutes

Fresh milk and yogurt

Fresh milk and yogurt are good uses in the purge page.

Fresh milk and yogurt are good uses in the purge page. Wash your face with fresh milk or yogurt not only clean the skin but also helps improve skin dryness, redness, or oil and oily skin.


The vitamins contained in strawberries will help build collagen fibers, antioxidants are also great resources to anti-inflammatory for a healthy skin.

Skin care: cut strawberry, light massage up the oily skin oil, you will see the face skin smooth, pore small se. That is because the salicylic acid has an oily, neutral exfoliate and lighten the skin. If the mix add the strawberries with yogurt face more pronounced results. Strawberry patch up the face can also whiten the skin, soothe sunburn skin.

Warm water

In fact, the warm water should be used as the first step of the process purge page. Instead of using cotton and cleaning the page directly, the lighter a wiping his face with a towel around the turn and warm water will help you purge the page faster and much easier.=
