Effective anti aging skin with coconut oil

Coconut oil contains mainly medium chain fatty acids (ABCTB), rich in lauric acid, capable of antibacterial, antifungal and anti virus effectively. Contains many types of antioxidant (Vitamin E, Phytosterols, Phenols), along with other chemical components have the ability to regenerate the skin and limit the wrinkles. In addition it also has the effect of keeping skin moisture, increased resistance, prevent the effects of the stem cells and protect your skin very effectively.

Coconut oil contains mainly medium chain fatty acids (ABCTB), rich in lauric acid, capable of antibacterial, antifungal and anti virus effectively.

Coconut oil, vitamin E


Coconut oil, vitamin E Oil   How to do:

Mix a little bit of coconut oil with few drops of vitamin E oil, illuminate the skin prone to wrinkles before going to bed. Your skin will actually regenerate a night later.

Pure coconut oil

Regularly using coconut oil also helps sisters have a youthful complexion, long beautiful. Coconut oil also helps to remove blurry bird feet. Coconut oil helps keep the connective tissues of healthy skin, prevent wrinkle appearance.=
