Essential beauty products always carry when traveling

Summer is the ideal time for travel. You must have planned to travel to great lands. However, arranging things to carry around during the journey is a problem, especially for beauty products. You can't bring your entire collection of cosmetics with you.


Finding a type of eye cream that matches your skin color is one of the important beauty products on the trip. Long flights or party nights and sometimes insomnia make the face and skin under the eyes 'sharpened' seriously. With a suitable concealer, you will easily cover all skin imperfections without complicated foundation steps.


The climate changes to your skin and especially on your lips dry and cracked. Vaseline keeps your lips moist and bright. Sometimes due to playing forever, you forget to drink water and moisturize, this product will also help your skin.

Bronzer or blush

Bronzer or blush can be a great assistant when you want to adjust the contours or colors for the face. In addition, this product can also be used as eyeshadow. Please bring the product to match the skin color. Remember to bring a brush or when the baggage is too full, you can also use paper towels to manipulate.


This is definitely an indispensable product for every girl. At least, please bring a lipstick for the trip. If you want to save a moment, you must look fresh.

Cleaning cloths After a day of play, your body will be alarmed because of fatigue. This makes you very lazy to remove many makeup pages. However, thorough cleaning when traveling will help you look beautiful during the trip. Makeup remover tissue will be the savior in keeping the skin clean that you can do on the bed.


On every trip, what girls need to remember is to protect their skin. Sun, wind, dust will make the skin dry and dark. Sunscreen is the armor plate that helps skin resist UVA rays, UVB harmful to skin. Not only sun protection, do you need to apply sunscreen to your body before exposing your skin to the sun. You can also bring a spray sunscreen to make it easy to reapply.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is a product you should take with you. Aloe has a myriad of uses from burn remedies to skin moisturizers and more. Gentle gel is suitable for climate destinations and harsh sunshine. You probably won't find them at tourist spots.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is not an exotic beauty product for acne-prone skin. During the trip, if there is a nodule, the essential oil will be helpful for you. Or if unfortunately, this is a product to save the skin from infection.

MoisturizerWhether you have oily, dry or normal skin, you must travel with moisturizer. A suitable moisturizer will be your best companion whether you travel to the Sahara or the North Pole. Moisturizing keeps your skin smooth and full of vitality.

Dry shampoo

Of course, you will have to bring shampoo and conditioner for a mini-size tour. However, in some urgent cases, you also need a dry shampoo. Dry shampoo has revolutionized travel and daily life becomes faster and easier.

Hair spray

There are days the hair will not stand on your side. At this time, you should have a hair spray to make your hair smooth and easy to get into the folds. Hairspray can also remove ink from clothes.

Machine hairpin

Hair dryers can be found anywhere but hairpin machines are not so easy. Bring a clip so you can fix your hair before going out for a good night. Or you can use it to iron wrinkled clothes in your backpack.
