Exfoliation at home effectively with red berries

Exfoliation with tomatoes

Tomatoes help exfoliation effect that brings high efficiency.

Preparation: 1 tomatoes, 3 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons yogurt.

Chopped tomatoes (or use the muỗm mashed rivets), then into the Cup. For sugar and yogurt into the Bowl mix well up with each other. Hygiene should face before using this mixture of cut side up, use your finger to gently massage the mixture on the face. Hold for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Exfoliation with strawberries

Grab a bat, then beams the strawberries with a spoon until smooth. Add the honey and mix all the ingredients together. Use clean hands or toilet brush, gently apply the mixture all over the face, avoiding the eye area. You can lie down and let the mask on in round 10-15 minutes.

Exfoliation with watermelon

Grilled Watermelon and mixed with a little flour. Up mixed up the face, to about 15 minutes and then rinse. Watermelon juice mixture and flour will take away dead cells, aging, return to you your skin radiant and refreshed.

Rinse with warm water, dry your face and apply moisturizer.=
