Exfoliation with ginger and salt

Effect of exfoliation

The exfoliation helps take away the excess cells, along with dirt. It helps to reveal new skin, making it clear to the cells grow, the better the nutrients absorbed from the cream.

Exfoliation helps take away the excess cells, along with dirt.

Face exfoliation with ginger mixture and salt

Use the mask exfoliation from the ginger helps to cleanse the dead cells accumulate on the body at the same time eliminating most toxins in your body, in return for your skin looks smooth, pinky, healthy. Sea salt has the effect of skin cleansing and antiseptic nature. Mix the two ingredients and exfoliation as usual.

Note When exfoliation with salt and ginger

Just rub the mixture this gentle exfoliation on the skin. Continue to massage the salt until completely disappeared. Rinse with warm water and soon it is cold water. This helps stimulate the blood circulation and increases the activity of purification, detoxification of the body. Thus, your skin will become smooth, dashing, more light. Pat the skin dry and use your favorite moisturizing after exfoliation.=
