Extremely effective weight loss with celery

Salad with celery

Celery can be eaten along with a lot of vegetables in the salad recipe.

Celery can be eaten along with a lot of vegetables in the salad recipe.

Mix celery (cut) with some kind of different beans, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and a little pepper.

In the West, the West should also be eaten with butter or cheese.

Beef sauteed celery

Need preliminary processing and wash the vegetable raw materials, spices.

Sliced beef marinated with onions, garlic, seasoning, pepper and remember to add a little cooking oil to coat soft cooked beef (marinated for about 30 minutes, at least 15 minutes).

For the oil to the Pan and wait for the oil, for a bit of garlic on the island through the few weekly until yellow pour beef on hand are islands, until the meat is slightly re (in between the pieces of meat remains red while around there phenomenal nine) then pour out the bowl.

For the carrots, celery, onion on the island when the vegetables, then pour on beef re this spice taste the island are already out for the disc.

This dish requires not too ripe, ripe medium beef to be, even slightly re eating delicious also, for vegetables too, don't get too will increase the main computer of the Tay and celery.

Vitamins celery

Drink vitamins daily Western help you lose weight 

Materials required: 5 celery leaves, 300 g lean meat, 3 branches of garlic, 2 tablespoons oil, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons vinegar, ¼ TSP salt, ½ tablespoon of sodium salt, 4 tablespoons of the water.

Wash celery, cut into pieces and leaves the body, lean meat cut pomegranate seeds, cut thin slices of peeled garlic.

Boil water, pour on the celery leaves and soak for 2 minutes then squeezed the water, remove the celery flakes.

Add 4 tablespoons of water, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons vinegar, ¼ TSP salt, ½ tablespoon of sodium salt, ½ tablespoon sugar, boil the mixture.

Turn off the stove and pour the mixture into the stem of celery and garlic have been prepared, to cool and enjoy.

Celery juice tomatoes

Materials: 2 stalks, 2 tomatoes, 4 teaspoons of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, stone tablets.

Celery, the tomatoes washed soaked with salt water diluted about 10 minutes.

Picked tomatoes, celery out to drain and then give to your grilled first, then let the mixture into Blender, medium sugar with taste on the grind is under way for tan.

For the mixture of vitamins into the cups for extra kick on if Instant drink or to in the bottle into the fridge to chill for the drink slowly. You can and drink every day to drink hot summer days also help you get in shape faster than compact.=
