Facelift after 10 days with papaya

You will have a beautiful face, white skin brighter by giving yourself a homemade masks the simple but efficient from papaya. This beauty formula nourishes your skin with great combination of papaya, honey and lemon juice.

Papaya and honey

Papaya skin Sisters help quickly.

You stir this mixture and then up onto the 10-15 minutes, then wash your face clean with clean water. Papaya mask contains many vitamins and other antioxidants from the honey will help you clean deep inside the skin, shrink the pores for skin stretch always smooth.

Papaya and Aloe

Mix papaya grind with a spoonful of Aloe, massage for face and body in round 1of 5 minutes. Clean bath with warm water. Done 2 times a week you will have bright white skin

Papaya, honey and lemon juice

Just pureed papaya, added a TSP of honey, a few drops of lemon juice. Mix up, use the swab to patch up the face. Keep it about 15-20 minutes and rinse. Your skin will become smooth and energetic.=
