Foods that help hydrate the skin results in dry, Winifred season

Honey and milk

Many skin products on the market are the composition of honey and milk. Instead of buying that expensive products, you can use regular milk and honey to soften the skin. All you need to do is mix the two ingredients and up onto the face as a mask.

Honey and milk enhances the moisture to the skin.


Fruits such as strawberries, Blueberry not only have plenty of water to help increase moisture for your skin that they still have more antioxidant and vitamin C to help protect your skin. The antioxidant and other nutrients help skin cells against the effects of the environment.


In addition to contain more vitamin A, spinach also contain plant compounds help for healthy skin.

Sesame seeds (sesame seeds)

The sesame seeds gives the human body many vitamins like E, B1, calcium ... It also explains why most of the skin creams contain vitamin E, because they make your skin becomes smooth and soft. Winter and everyone loves to eat sesame salt, it's delicious, and provide nourishment to the skin.


Scientists have regarded grapefruit as a "potion" just had the effect of healing back beauty skin. Grapefruit component contains abundant amount of vitamin A and C, increased resistance, water retention and Berry skin tightening.=
