Freckles treatment effectiveness with sweet vegetables

Sweet vegetables are vegetables that contain a lot of vitamins, especially vitamins A, C, much more than the fruits like Orange, guava. These are substances that help you promote collagen production, increase immunity and regulate cholesterol levels in the body at a level of stability. Vitamin C will help you recover, the lesions fade sun spots, freckles stain.

Melasma, freckles lose so much aesthetic.

Freckles, Melasma treatment formula with sweet vegetables

You can buy sweet vegetables, wash.  For added security you can soak vegetables sweet with a bit of salt for 15 minutes. Then put in the Blender, or great-grandchildren take water essence. After juice extraction should drink right then there is the effect of treatment on lightening, freckles and skin beauty effect. You should also note that should only used pure juice, not to add sugar because that will lose the effect of sweet vegetables.

Or you can retire a bit sweet vegetables with a bit of ginger, squeezed of water and DAB the mixture evenly onto the the lightening, freckles on the skin. Just for 15 minutes then rinse with water. Using this measure of persistence you will find surprise to the effect that it brings.

Besides, you can add sweet vegetable soup into feast for your family everyday. This is just good for health back at the same time for skin lightening treatment from the inside.

Sweet vegetable juice treat Melasma, freckles effectively.

Some other uses of sweet vegetables

Use the leaves fresh sweet grilled vegetables or soup to help cooling.

As the vegetables are likely b. low heat (100 g only has 36 lalori), at least gluxit and fat but more protein, in accordance with the mother after birth help take back waist compact.

Eat sweet vegetables help mothers increase breast milk, this stems from the endocrine effects of the chemical compound strerols has properties of estrogen.=
