Hitting bay lightening, acne with papaya

Papaya contains a type enzime papain has the effect of skin whitening very well.

In the papaya contains a lot of vitamins E, C, A-is the indispensable vitamins if you want a beautiful skin. Papaya have more beta carotene in the other vegetables. Beta carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, the body will be transformed into vitamin a. it is a kind of micro-nutrients have strong antioxidant role.

Papaya is a fruit rich in nutrients, antioxidants

Melasma treatment with papaya

Papaya, pumpkin and pineapple

Papaya 3 spoons, spoon 2 pumpkin, pineapple 1 spoons offer pureed. Stir the mixture on the surface relief. Papaya mask used to treat dermatitis at home very well.

Papaya, honey and lemon juice

Papaya face by acne treatment is very good

5 spoons of papaya, 1 table spoon of honey, 1/2 table spoon of lemon juice mix all face about 20 minutes you should use 2-3 times a week.

Acne treatment with papaya mixture, honey


-100 gr papaya

-30 ml honey

How to do:

Mix 100 gr papaya with 30 ml of honey and then pureed then smeared the mixture up the acne skin, to about 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water


-Recipe can use 1-2 times/week.

-You should try a little mixed up hands before use to ensure I'm not allergic to any component=
